Stream & Shoreline Restoration
Cardinal State, LLC specializes in restoring degraded stream systems, shorelines, and ravines to achieve a more balanced, stabilized system. Our restoration work reduces soil erosion and sediment influx via bank stabilization, encourages de-channelization when possible, increases the systems capacity to handle changes in flow via the installation of flood plains and wetlands, increases and improves aquatic and riparian zone habitats, reintroduces native species to the system, and improves runoff and stormwater quality.
Services Include:
De-channelization and Slope Regrading
In-stream Rock Structure Installation (Check Dams, Rock Weirs, Rock Veins, Rock Cross Veins, J-Hooks, Rock Toes, and Channel Bed Aggregate)
In-stream Large Wood Habitat and Log Jam Installation
Soil Lift Installation
Coir Log Installation
Geosynthetic Stabilization and Erosion Control Blanket Installation
Aquatic, Emergent and Upland Vegetation Installation
Live Stake Installation
Wildlife Protection
Establishment Maintenance and Natural Areas Stewardship
Ecological Monitoring
We also offer erosion control services for general contractors including:
Silt Fence
Inlet/Pipe Protection
Temporary Ditch Checks
Temporary Seeding