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Highlighted Projects:

MWRD 14‐108‐5F Addison Creek Streambank Stabilization

Stream restoration and bank stabilization on multiple sections of Addison Creek. Work included soil lift installation, native seed and plug installation, native tree installation, erosion control installation, and establishment maintenance and monitoring of native areas for 3 years. 

MWRD 14-252-5F Natalie Creek Flood Control

Stream restoration along a 2 mile stretch of Natalie Creek.  Work included channel widening, natural boulder rock toe installation, coir log installation, soil lift installation, geosynthetic streambank reinforcement, native seed and plug installation with erosion control blanket, predator protection, and establishment maintenance and monitoring for 3 years. The improvements made to this 2 mile stretch of Natalie Creek will reduce overbank flooding for 237 structures located along the creek. 

MWRD 13-248-5F Melvina Ditch Streambank Stabilization

Streambank stabilization along a highly degraded half mile stretch of Melvina Ditch that receives frequent high volume flow from an upstream reservoir.  Work included jumbo block retaining wall installation, rip rap rock toe and bank armoring installation, native seed and erosion control blanket installation, live stake installation, native tree and shrub installation and establishment maintenance. 

MWRD 10-882-BF Streambank Stabilization on Calumet Union Drainage Ditch 

Stream restoration along a half mile stretch of Calumet Union Drainage Ditch. Work included de-channelization and regrading of the ditch, natural stone in-stream rock structure installation (rock veins, rock cross veins, rock wing-deflectors, and j-hooks), rip rap rock toe installation, soil lift installation, large wood habitat installation, native seed and erosion control blanket installation, emergent plug installation, establishment maintenance and monitoring for 3 years, and a prescribed burn. 

MWRD 11-186-3F Addison Creek Reservoir

Steam channel improvements and construction of a new reservoir that connects to the Addison Creek stream channel. Work included stream channel and bank regrading, topsoil and biosolids installation, native seed and erosion control blanket, reinforced geocell access road installation, and establishment maintenance and monitoring for 3 years. The Addison Creek Reservoir along with the channel improvements will reduce overbank flooding to approximately 2,200 structures located along the creek.  

Algonquin Terrace Hill Roadway Rehabilitation

Stream restoration and channel improvements along a section of Woods Creek. Work included in-stream rock structure installation (channel bed aggregate, rock toes, check dams, j-hooks, and inflow aprons), native seed and erosion control blanket installation, emergent and upland plug installation, native tree installation, and establishment maintenance and monitoring for 3 years. 

Illinois Tollway RR-18-4443 Landscape Planting Improvements

Landscape planting improvement project along the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90). Work included tree clearing and removal, terrestrial herbaceous clearing via herbicide application, native tree and shrub installation (3,276), native seed and erosion control blanket installation, and plant care/maintenance and monitoring for 3 years.

Illinois Tollway RR-20-4515 Landscape Planting Improvements

Landscape planting improvement project along the Tri-State Tollway (I-294). Work included tree clearing and removal, terrestrial herbaceous clearing via herbicide application, native trees and shrub installation (840), native seed and erosion control blanket installation, and plant care/maintenance and monitoring for 3 years.

Illinois Tollway RR-20-4556 Landscape Planting Improvements

Landscape planting improvement project along the Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355). Work included tree clearing and removal, terrestrial herbaceous clearing via herbicide application, native trees and shrub installation (1,714), native seed and erosion control blanket installation, and plant care/maintenance and monitoring for 3 years.

Illinois Tollway RR-20-4553 Landscape Planting Improvements

Landscape planting improvement project along the Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88). Work included tree clearing and removal, terrestrial herbaceous clearing via herbicide application, native trees and shrub installation (2,830), native seed and erosion control blanket installation, and plant care/maintenance and monitoring for 3 years.

Illinois Tollway I-17-4334 Bioswale Improvements West

Bioswale and bioretention pond improvement project along the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90).  Work included aquatic herbaceous clearing via herbicide application, native seed and erosion control blanket installation, native plug installation (58,500), and establishment maintenance and monitoring for 3 years.

Illinois Tollway I-18-4693 Stormwater BMP's

Bioswale and bioretention pond improvement project along the Elgin O'Hare Western Access Tollway (I-390). Work included aquatic herbaceous clearing via herbicide application, native seed and erosion control
blanket installation, native plug installation (176,000), and establishment maintenance and monitoring for 3 years.


USACE Romeoville Fish Barrier

Ecological restoration project along the Des Plaines River after construction of a new boat shed was completed by USACE. Work included topsoil installation, native seed and erosion control blanket installation, native plug installation,
and natural areas stewardship for 1 year.

USACE Jeorse Park Beach

Lake Michigan shoreline and dune restoration project. Work included native seed and erosion control blanket installation, native plug installation, and natural areas stewardship for 1 year.

Stop 24 Dune Restoration

Lake Michigan dune restoration project. Work included retaining wall installation, bioswale and amended soils installation, native seed and erosion control blanket installation, native bare root and plug installation, and natural areas stewardship for 1 year.

XPO Logistics Chicago Heights

Commercial landscape construction project that encompassed both traditional and ecological installations. Work included underdrain installation in bioretention ponds, turf seed and hydromulch installation (18 acres), native seed and erosion control blanket installation (12 acres), and establishment maintenance for 1 year.  

Ogden Commons Phase 1A

Commercial landscape construction project. Work included paver installation, site furnishing, amended soil installation, ornamental perennial and shrub installation, annual plant installation, native tree installation, sod installation, and establishment maintenance for 2 years.   

Harper College Landscape Enhancement Project

Landscape improvement project at Harper College. Work included bioswale installation, native seed and erosion control blanket installation, native plug and perennial installation, native tree and shrub installation, and storm sewer installation and repair.

City of Chicago - Albany Park Storm Water Diversion Tunnel

Native landscape installation project at Albany Park. Work included native seed and erosion control blanket installation, and native tree and shrub installation. 

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